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Is Teasing A Girl, A Criminal Activity In India ?

Eve teasing literally means to annoy or irritate women. It can be defined as the act of harassing a woman, whether intentionally or unintentionally, physically or psychologically, in order to tease, mock, provoke, annoy, or embarrass her with crude statements, gestures, jokes, and physical contact. For further information on the subject, you could seek advice from criminal lawyer in delhi or criminal lawyer in ghaziabad

In the case of Rupan Bajaj & Another vs. KPS Gill, the Supreme Court, explained the term ‘modesty’ in relation to women. Nowadays, a higher and higher number of girl students, women etc. are going to educational institutions, workplaces etc. and ensuring their protection is of extreme importance in a civilised and cultured society. The experiences of women and girls in over-crowded buses, metros, trains etc. could be sometimes horrendous and painful.

The crime of eve teasing in India- facts and figures

  • As per the report of NCRB 2019 (National Crime Record Bureau), a total of 4,05,861 cases of crimes have been registered against women during the year 2019, which is 7.3% cases higher than the cases registered in the year 2018 (3,78,236 cases). A huge amount of cases registered are related to the crimes against women under IPC due to cruelty by husband or his relatives (30.9%), as well as other crimes such as assaults on women with an intent to outrage her modesty (21.8%), kidnapping & abduction of women (17.9%) and rape (7.9%).

  • The crime of eve-teasing is dealt with Sections 354 and 509 of the IPC, an increase of 13.05% has been observed in assault or criminal force against woman with an intent to outrage her modesty;

  • According to a recent survey, approximately 90 percent of college women in New Delhi have been victims of sexual harassment in one form or another. However, it is believed that only 1 out of every 10000 cases of eve teasing are being reported.

  • 98 percent of the women believe that the act of sexual harassment in public places or on roads, to some extent affects their personal or academic development in one way or the other.

  • The above stated facts may appear untrue or even horrifying, however they clearly help show the plight of women in the society.

Legal aspects of Eve Teasing - if it is a criminal wrong or a civil wrong?

Eve teasing is a civil offence. The wrongdoer causes injury to the plaintiff both mentally and physically. It is an infringement of a woman's right to privacy as well as her dignity. There are certain provisions mentioned under the Indian Penal Code which describe and define the act of eve teasing.

  • According to Section 294 of the IPC, whoever causes annoyance to others, or does any obscene act in any public place or utters obscene song, ballad or words in or near any public place will be punished with imprisonment for a term extending up to 3 months or fine or both.

  • Section 354 of the IPC provides that assaulting or using criminal forces on any woman, with an intention to blackmail or knowing such an act is likely to outrage the modesty of a woman must be punished with imprisonment for a term extending up to two years or with fine or with both.

  • Section 509 of the IPC provides whoever intends to insult the modesty of a woman or utters such words, sounds or gestures, or exhibits objects which if seen by such a woman could be punished with simple imprisonment for a term extending up to one year or with fine or with both.


Eve teasing is wrong not only in legal terms but also a wrong committed against the honour, dignity and self respect of a woman. Such an act must be treated as an independent offence. Strict rules and regulations are required to control it. The act of eve-teasing may sound less harmful, however it could turn into a grievous offence if not stopped at an early stage. To further understand the legal provisions involved with the issue of eve-teasing, you could seek free legal advice online or talk to a lawyer with Lead India.

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